This was Leonardo Da Vinci's invention of a parachute, and his idea was that it was a huge tent about 23 feet across and 12 in depth. His idea was that if such a contraption were made, than it would be able to slow the descent of a falling person to such a rate that he could fall from a thousand feet and use this to have a perfect landing, in which the person would not endanger their life and would not sustaine a single injury.

        This is a picture of Leonardo Da Vinci's designs for a helicopter or as he called it an aerial screw. Leonardo's scetches from the 15th century were believed to be the predecessor for the first modern helicopter ever built. Though like most of his inventions leonardo did not actually build the helicopter like mechanism of test it in any way.

        These are sketches by Leonardo Da Vinci of his flying machine that he invented. By the look of the sketches he was designing it so that it could fly by flaping or gliding on its bird like wings. In all of the notes and drawings of Da Vinci the area of aviation was perhaps his most favorite. The inspiration for his design is clearly inspired by the flight of winged animals and in this invention he hoped to mimick them exactly.