This is Leonardo Da Vinci's idea for a mobile tank. The precursor of the modern tank, his invention of the armoured car was supposed to be capable of moving in any direction and was armed with a large array of weapons. This was the most famous of Leonardo's inventions and it was designed to intimidate the opposing army and cause them to scatter. Though designing such a fine war machine he installed a major flaw to insure that it would deture people from actually building it. The flaw was that the cranks to move the wheels went in opposite directions so that it would spin in a circle making forward movement impossible.

        This is another one of Leonardo Da Vinci's better known war machines, it is a giant crossbow. When he designed this war machine it was entirely for intimidation. He knew that the fear weapons could put in enemies was almost if not as important as how much damage that they could actually do. The bow would be 27 yards across and made of thin wood for flexibility. The device would be rolled on six wheels, three on each side, for mobility. 

          This is another one of Leonardo Da Vinci's well known war machines . He called it the 33-Barreled Organ and it was pretty much a very early versian of a machine gun. He saw that the problem with the modern cannon of the time was that they took far too long to load. Leonardo's solution to that problem was to build multi-barreled guns that could be loaded and fired simultaneously. The weapon consisted of 3 rows of 11 guns each all on a single revolving platform.