These are some sketches by Leonardo Da Vinci of the skeleton of the human body. The astounding thing about these sketches and notes is that they are some of the most accurate for his time period, even though it is not 100% accurate it is almost perfect.



        This is one of Leonardo Da Vinci's pages of notes and sketches on the human heart. It shows accurate drawings of the ventricles and the main arteries leading in and out of the heart. Leonardo was able to get such acurate notes and sketches by disecting dead bodies of people.



         This is a page of notes and sketches of the upper parts of the human body by Leonardo Da Vinci, including the upper parts of the arms and the muscles covering the top half of the body. He was also only able to get such acurate sketches by disecting dead bodies.


         This is another page of some of Leonardo Da Vinci's sketches of the human body. Expliscetly the upper half and the throat. Also in the center of the sketches there is a drawing of the bones in the foot. In these drawings it mainly shows the muscles and the vains that are on and run through the neck, but only figuring this out by disecting human bodies.