Leonardo Da Vinci was born in April in a town called Vinci.
He was the illegitimate son of Ser Piero d'Antonio
and a peasant named Caterina.

Leonardo Da Vinci became apprenticed to an
artist who's name was Andrea Verrocchio.

Leonardo Da Vinci completes painting, The Baptism of Christ,
under the apprenticeship of Andrea Verrocchio and is
admited to the Guild of St. Luke as a painter.

Leonardo Da Vinci draws his first dated workon August 5,
a landscape of the Arno Valley.

Leonardo Da Vinci is an assistant and collaborator
in Verrocchio's studio.

Leonardo Da Vinci gained the patronage of Lorenzo de Medici,
ruler of Florence.

Leonardo Da Vinci was commissioned to paint  Adoration of the Magi
for the monastery of Saint Donato, a Scopeto near Florence.
However the painting was never finished.

Leonardo Da Vinci went to Milan as a painter and engineer to Duke
Ludovico Sforza, and to sculpt an equestrian monument of
Francesco Sforza, the duke's father.

Leonardo Da Vinci was contracted to paint The Virgin of the Rocks,
He also painted a portrait of Cecilia Gallerani, known
as The Lady with the Ermine.

Leonardo Da Vinci designed the pageant of Il Paradiso with its revolving stage;
Leonardo also worked on designs of the central tower for
the Cathedral of Milan until 1488.

Leonardo Da Vinci worked on anatomical research
and architectural design.

Leonardo Da Vinci resumed his work on the equestrian monument;
went to Pavia with Francesco di Giorgio, and stayed
to study mathematics and architecture.

Leonardo Da Vinci's full-scale model of the equestrian monument
was exhibited at the time of the Bianca Maria Sforza
and Emporer Maximilian's wedding.

Leonardo Da Vinci died on May 2.